Sharable Content Object Reference Model — (SCORM) est une spécification permettant de créer des objets pédagogiques structurés. Il sera d abord exposé l utilité de cette norme, puis concrètement ce qu elle implique et comment elle se définit. Sommaire 1 Pourquoi SCORM ? 2 Qu est ce… … Wikipédia en Français
Interoperable Object Reference — In distributed computing, an Interoperable Object Reference (IOR) is a reference to a CORBA or RMI IIOP object.IORs may be “stringified,” or represented by a string of printable characters to facilitate sharing of object references by non CORBA… … Wikipedia
Interoperable Object Reference — Die Interoperable Object Reference, kurz IOR, beschreibt eine Objektreferenz auf ein CORBA Objekt. Es handelt sich um Objektreferenzen für Objekte aus dem Bereich der Objektorientierung, die in verschiedenen Computern existieren und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Sharable Content Object Reference Model — Das SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) ist ein Referenzmodell für austauschbare elektronische Lerninhalte der Advanced Distributed Learning Initiative. SCORM umfasst eine (Variablen ) Sammlung von Standards und Spezifikationen aus… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Object Manager (Windows) — Object Manager in Windows, categorized hierarchically using namespaces Object Manager (internally called Ob) is a subsystem implemented as part of the Windows Executive which manages Windows resources. Each resource, which are surfaced as logical … Wikipedia
Reference counting — In computer science, reference counting is a technique of storing the number of references, pointers, or handles to a resource such as an object or block of memory. It is typically used as a means of deallocating objects which are no longer… … Wikipedia
Object type (object-oriented programming) — See also: Object (computer science) In computer science, an object type (a.k.a. wrapping object) is a datatype which is used in object oriented programming to wrap a non object type to make it look like a dynamic object.[citation needed] Some… … Wikipedia
Object type — In computer science, an object type (a.k.a. wrapping object) is a datatype which is used in object oriented programming to wrap a non object type to make it look like a dynamic object.Some object oriented programming languages make a distinction… … Wikipedia
Object model — In computing, object model has two related but distinct meanings: The properties of objects in general in a specific computer programming language, technology, notation or methodology that uses them. For example, the Java objects model, the COM… … Wikipedia
Reference data — are data describing a physical or virtual object and its properties.fact|date=April 2008 Reference data are usually described with nouns.fact|date=April 2008Typical reference data are: * Physical: products, material, assets, customers, locations… … Wikipedia
Object recognition — in computer vision is a task of finding given object in an image or video sequence. Humans recognize a multitude of objects in images with little effort, despite the fact that the image of the objects may vary somewhat in different view points,… … Wikipedia